Instagram Hacks #10: Filter comments on your posts This way, as you’re scrolling through your feed, even if you accidentally Like a post, it won’t actually show up as a real Like. If you want to cover your bases, you can let your Instagram feed load and then turn on your phone’s Airplane mode. Liking a post that you didn’t mean to Like can be an innocent mistake with little to no repercussions. Instagram Hacks 2021 #9: Never accidentally Like a post again

If you want to control what tagged posts show up on your profile, you can do that using the instructions below. Not every post you’re tagged in is going to be flattering. Instagram Hacks #8: Filter photos you’ve been tagged in Just tap the in the top right corner of your Instagram page and follow the instructions below to clear your history on Instagram. If you’ve been on a particularly embarrassing streak, fortunately, you can clear your history in a jiff. We all have searched for things on Instagram that we wouldn’t show anyone else. Instagram Hacks 2021 #7: Clear your search history That way, you can quickly go back and find specific Saved posts without any hassle. To make it easier, you can organize your Saved posts in filters. If you’re just randomly saving posts without any organization, you’re making it more difficult than necessary to go back and find specific posts. Instagram Hacks #6: Save and organize posts Check or uncheck the circles next to each filter on the right-hand side of the screen to hide or unhide filters.

Press and hold the three-line icon next to each filter on the left-hand side of the screen to rearrange the order of your filters.Scroll to the end of your filters and tap Manage.When posting a photo or video, go to Filter.the most-used filters at the top of the list). To make your life easier, you can organize your filters according to how often you use them (i.e. If you use filters, you’re likely using certain filters more than others. Instagram Hacks 2021 #5: Rearrange filters in order of importance If you keep getting irrelevant ads on your feed, you can actually tell Instagram to stop showing you those specific ads. If you don’t want people to know what you’re doing, when you’re online, or generally see the details of your Instagram activity, you can turn off your public activity using the instructions below.

“Why didn’t you Like my post? I saw you were online when I posted it!” Instagram Hacks 2021 #3: Turn off your public activity Bonus: Use AiSchedul to track hashtagsĭid you know AiSchedul has a unique feature called “LISTENING & REPOST” with which you can track all of the targeted hashtags? Also, you can even repost them right away! Take a look: For example, if you notice that a certain kind of post is being posted over and over using a specific hashtag that gets a lot of engagement, you can incorporate that into your own content strategy. This is an easy way to see what posts are being posted using the hashtags you’re targeting, what posts are being posted using your own branded hashtags, and other kinds of posts that might be helpful to your content strategy. Just like how you follow a specific user on Instagram, you can also follow a specific hashtag. Instagram Hacks #2: Follow specific hashtags
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